DBSM Mission Trip’s Impact on a Romanian Intern
The Lord blessed me with the opportunity to serve Him with the LIFE Romania and DBSM teams on the week of March 7-14, 2020. It was the first mission experience I attended and I can say that it left a deep imprint on me, because it was extraordinary, delightful and at the same time, the context contributed to my spiritual growth.
The most beautiful thing I observed throughout the week was the authentic Christian setting I was in. The primary purpose was, of course, to proclaim the Gospel to people in need, but in addition to this noble purpose, all that we did in those days proved a sincere personal relationship of each person with the Lord God; this was a great encouragement to me. Even though I grew up in a Christian environment, and I was so used to it, I still have an unbridled joy when I am in the presence of authentic believers.
As for the social case I worked for, as I helped families in need I could see the Lord’s hand at work. On the first day, the lady didn’t even look at me when I greeted her. On the second day, she greeted me with a hug. This was made possible by the fact that the Lord softened her heart, so that by the fourth day, she was open to listening to the Gospel. On the last day, it was evident that she was sad that we would not be returning the next day. This caused me sadness on one hand, because I felt this suffering, but on the other hand I was happy because I saw that we did have a real impact on her.
Another very important aspect is the relationships we have made as a result of interacting with new people. Between the Romanians and the Americans I served with, I found good friends, friends who point me to my Savior more and more. One of the girls I developed a friendship with said: “It is so easy for me to bring God into our discussion when we talk” and it was true. For us it is simply natural to involve Him in our conversations. The fact that I met young people with a heart dedicated to Him is the blessing I did not expect when I went to this mission. These young people are an encouragement for spiritual growth. I thank the Lord for such friends!
However, not only among the young people did we find great people, but also among the staff members of the teams. I can wholeheartedly say that the staff members are worthy examples to follow and that I love the collaboration I had and still have with them.
Before I conclude I would like to mention one more thing – I received a gift with a special message, which may represent the motto of the March 2020 mission: “The world has not yet seen what God can do through a man fully dedicated to Him. May you be that man!” These words have impacted me a great deal and I find them relevant in the current context. In the end, this experience determined that I could not visualize my future without being involved with LIFE Romania in one way or another. Thank you with all my heart!
-Anda, 18 years old