Follow God’s calling on your life to serve Him.

Do you feel God calling you to serve as a full-time missionary? Are you wanting to give a few years of your life to God by serving Him and proclaiming the Gospel? If you feel God leading you on this path, we would love to partner with you and provide a platform for you to serve.

We seek to reach the next generation for Christ, here in Romania and have many ways you can serve with us.


  • Devoted Christ-follower and ready and willing to be pushed out of your comfort zone.

  • Willing to commit 1-2 years to serve with our full-time staff in Bucharest, Romania.

  • Eager to be challenged and stretched by the Holy Spirit, and willing to use your gifts to reach more people with the Gospel in Romania.


Help lead our discipleship program by teaching mentors how to disciple well and keep up with the students by meeting with them and encouraging them.

Take photos and videos and edit these to create materials for our ministry. Also, update our website and all other multimedia platforms.

As we travel across the country hosting events, help with the preaching at the churches we visit. Also, help teach our students who are leading Bible studies how to teach their studies.

Help plan our events and keep up with the daily operations of our ministry.

Help write and plan for various projects and campaigns. This could include things like writing for new manuals, ministry updates, or video scripts.

Help lead and plan the sports and activities at our events.

Manage our social media accounts and creating advertisements for our ministry.


Serving with LIFE Romania has been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. I first felt God calling me to serve as a missionary when I was twelve years old. Growing up, I spent many years worrying and trying to plan where God would one day call me to serve. In the summer of 2017, I first began working with LIFE Romania as an intern and continued for the next two years. After that, in 2018, I was asking God to give me wisdom and show me where He was calling me to while I was serving in Romania. I felt Him leading me to find the place where I can glorify and serve Him and a place where my gifts and skills supplement the needs of a ministry. However, as I looked around, I realized this was with LIFE Romania.

Since then, I have grown spiritually and professionally in my time serving here full-time. If you are considering spending a year, or two, or more abroad to serve God, I would encourage you to consider LIFE Romania. There are many opportunities to grow in your faith and practical skills while ministering to the youth of this country.

Elizabeth Petersen, Staff Manager

So, are you interested or still have questions?

Please contact us below and we would love to answer any questions or schedule a meeting with you!