How we are reaching the next generation of Romania with the Gospel

Camp MIA

There are 15 weeks of camp in four different locations throughout Romania during the summer and winter. Camp MIA is dedicated to loving and sharing the Gospel with the youth of Romania.

Sport Tournaments

We organize the sport tournaments for evangelism and to connect participants to the local church and Bible studies happening in their area. Our goal is to bring together young people for a fun weekend, reunite with previous campers, and support local church plants.

online bible study

Bible Studies

Our 30+ Bible studies are an opportunity for our student leaders to teach and minister to their friends and own circles throughout the entire year. Currently, they all meet online, but eventually, we hope for them to be able to meet in person and continue to encourage each other, and grow in faith together.

12 Steps of Discipleship

We invite all participants of our ministries to begin our discipleship program where we pair them with a student mentor. This mentor walks alongside them as they study the pillars of the Christian faith.

discipleship graduation

Champions Weekend

Our team invites those who complete our discipleship program to attend this weekend. It is an opportunity for these individuals to fellowship and celebrate with others, as well as be challenged to now be disciples who make disciples.

MIA College

“Missionaries in Action” meet at MIA College to enrich their knowledge of scripture and doctrine. They are challenged, trained, and equipped to be leaders in their local churches and communities.

church plant partnership

Building the Local Church

Our hope and goal is for the students who are involved in our ministry would be able to apply what they have learned and experienced as they serve their local church bodies. With the help of these young people, we are building the local Church of Romania!

Creating Resources

In 2020, we have begun to create resources such as video series, training manuals, and online articles to strengthen and equip fellow believers. This is a great need in our country and it is a joy to see so many people learning and growing.