We create content such as video series, manuals, blogs, etc. to serve as a resource for the young people of Romania and the local church.
For the Church
In the U.S., we are used to having a plethora of options to find information regarding strategies, curriculum, and other helpful materials for churches. However, here in Romania these resources are few and far between. We are beginning to create and distribute resources to these pastors. These resources are varied in nature, for example, a manual on how to coordinate and lead Bible studies to a manual on how to disciple young people.
Therefore, our prayer is that these resources will allow these pastors and leaders to minister to and reach the youth of Romania. We encourage every young person involved in our ministry to be involved in their local church as a leader by helping organize youth meetings or discipling other young people.
For the Youth
Many young people have questions that are not explicitly answered in the Bible. If Christians do not stand up to answer them, they often go looking for the answers in the world. Questions about relationships, theology, or hot topics such as homosexuality or abortion. We believe it is important to provide a Biblical source of answers to these questions young people are asking. So, we have begun creating video series that answer many of these questions.