Developing disciples who make disciples
It is a priority in our ministry to continue to invest in the people we come in contact with after our events through meaningful interactions and spiritual development. We do this through our 12 steps of discipleship program where student mentors are discipling others to become more dedicated and knowledgeable followers of Christ.
12 Steps of Discipleship
We have developed a 12 step program for those involved in our ministry who want to grow in their faith deeper. We pair each disciple with a student mentor who walks them through the program, discipling them and living life together.
This program consists of 12 lessons, one lesson a week, that the pair completes on their own. The lessons go through some of the pillars of Christian theology such as, “Who is Jesus?”, “What is the Gospel?, and “Why Baptism?”. The disciple and mentor then meet once a week to discuss the lesson and encourage each other.

Once the disciple finishes the 12 steps, we invite them to attend our Champions Weekend where they are encouraged to think of someone they can begin discipling. Therefore, being a disciple who makes disciples.

Our Vision
It is our hope to have one disciple-maker in every church we partner with. We are developing and discipling these young people to go on to reach out in their communities and build their local church.
The Future of Discipleship in Action
In 2020, we evaluated our old “12 steps of discipleship” program and decided to begin developing a new program. We spent months studying, brainstorming, writing, and editing a new discipleship program to be exactly what we wanted to teach and lead the young people through. We are now training our current mentors with the new steps so they will be thoroughly prepared to mentor disciples through the new program.
During our time brainstorming about what we wanted our discipleship ministry to be, we began to dream of the future of Discipleship in Action. We dreamed of one day having our discipleship program function through an app. We are now working on planning for and developing this app where the disciple, mentor, and staff use it. We plan to do help us manage the discipleship program more efficiently, help the mentor send reminders and encouragements to the disciple, and provide an engaging and interactive interface.
Will you help support us as we begin development for our new app? This will be a large expense, but we see how God could use this app to expand the reach of our discipleship ministry in the country of Romania.
You can also provide study books by buying some our merch here.