Not Just Books, but an
Invitation to Hear the Gospel
New Study Books
How many of us have been impacted by an inductive Bible study at some point in our lives? Maybe you were a young believer who did not know how to move from reading the Bible to understanding it. The text may have seemed confusing and archaic. However, as you began the inductive Bible study, the truths, patterns, and wisdom began to jump off the page.
Equipping the Next Generation
Our team sees the value of equipping young people with the tools and knowledge of how to open their Bible. We want to teach them not just to read it, but to study it, understand it, and be able to apply it to their lives. That is why we chose our next Bible study to be an inductive Bible study. Our older students will study the life of Abraham and learn Bible study methods as they go.
Each week three of our staff members hold separate meetings with each type of counselor (Biblical, Spiritual, and Evangelistic). They are training them how to teach, invest, and share the Gospel with their peers. It is a beautiful thing to see young people passionate about reaching their own generation for Christ!
Reaching Children with the Gospel
Our Team has been organizing these Bible studies since the beginning of the pandemic. However, recently seen a new need to minister to the children who are too young to participate in the more serious Bible studies. As a result, we are starting two children inductive Bible studies on the life of Jacob for our 8-12-year-old children. Can you imagine the impact that studying the Bible weekly through an inductive study will have on these young souls?
How can you help?
These studies typically last around 6-8 weeks. This means that every 6-8 weeks we are sending hundreds of books across the country. This is a large expense for our ministry. It’s not just the books, but the envelopes, letters, postage, etc. that we have to spend every two months as well.
You can help provide a book and invest a seed into the lives of a young person. When you purchase a t-shirt through our American merchandise shop, your generosity is providing four books for these students. You can also always make a special gift towards our book fund!