Recovering from Covid with Renewed Vision

A Word from Iulian…

I always thought that if I would ever get Covid, it will be a mild case, since I am so young and strong. But, this was not the case.

On March 12, I started to show the first symptoms, and the next day I tested positive. After that, the next two weeks were some of the hardest I ever lived. My oxygen levels were 88% on a good night and I couldn’t sleep. My brain was going everywhere … the worst was to know that I had a two-year-old next door who I was afraid that I would never see grow up and get married For the first time in my life I prayed: LORD, PLEASE DON’T LET ME DIE!

When the ambulance came, they asked me to sign stating that I wanted to be treated at home, because it would be worse for me if I went to the hospital. 95% of those who go to Intensive Care die.

iulian and family

The worst is past now and I really want to thank you for praying for me and my family during these times! You have no idea how grateful we are for every prayer that was lifted up on our behalf.

By God’s grace, Roxana had only one week where she lost her taste and smell. Other than that, she was a superwoman taking care of all the kids and me. I couldn’t have gotten through it without her unconditional love and care. Melody was the most affected of the kids. She had a high temperature for three days in a row and this scared us. Julian lost his taste and smell but was fine, and Eric has no idea if he had anything, praise God. Now, we are all feeling much better, I still cough and get tired easily, but our oxygen levels are over 98%, which is great.

Again, thank you for praying for us and caring for our family.

Please continue to pray for us, for a full recovery!


April Praises, Prayer Requests, and Needs

vision Q&A


  • We are thankful for the friends and family who have chosen to support our staff salaries by giving monthly to this specific need.
  • We praise God that our staff is healthy after many of us tested positive for covid. It was a hard few weeks, but God gave us the strength to persevere.
  • Last month we were able to host a live Q&A and answer questions about faith for youth. We are thankful for the good turnout and pray that God used us to give wisdom to those who participated.

Prayer Requests

  • For our counselors, as they embody 2 Timothy 2:2 by training the participants of our Bible studies how to have a quiet time, tell their testimony, and share the Gospel.
  • For our mentors who have finished being trained how to disciple with our new discipleship materials and are now beginning to disciple others on their own. May God use them mightily and draw many young people in closer a relationship with Him.
  • Pray for us as we are busy planning and preparing for our various camps this summer. Pray that God will lead us and give us wisdom as we are seeking innovative ways to serve our youth this summer.
  • Our team as we are filming our online camps. Pray that the videos will reach many across the country in their own homes and that many would be impacted by the Gospel.
  • Our staff members who are continuing to write manuals such as the internship manual, camp counselor manual, youth meeting manual, online Bible study manual, participant manual, etc. Pray that these would be great resources for youth and churches and that God would use them to train and equip.
  • Pray for our media team as they record many videos and create content to display the incredible things God is doing in the lives of the youth we have the privilege of working with. Pray that God would inspire them how to share these stories.
staff meeting vision

Keep up with monthly prayer requests on the prayer page of our site.

iulian vision

Current Needs

  • We have many specific needs for camp such as craft materials, puppets, bracelet supplies, and sports equipment that you can see a full list of and give as a gift on our needs page.
  • You can provide for our staff salaries by adopting a staff member. Either with a one-time gift of monthly commitment. Find out more on our adopt page.