• Christian camps where existing churches and newly planted churches can bring young people who do not know the Lord and give them the opportunity to experience and hear the Gospel. Your legacy can help many churches continue to grow by providing camp scholarships for their community.
  • Caravans/Sports tournaments where we gather the campers who bring their non-believing friends, together with the church from their neighborhood, the whole community (Christians and non-Christian). These events result in young people going through our discipleship program and later coming to camp with the goal of growing in their faith and becoming a ministry partner in their community.
  • Champions Weekend where we reward young people who have completed the discipleship program and challenge them to become mentors/disciple makers in their own church.
  • MIA College is where we all deepen our theological knowledge with top-notch teachers who come from the U.S. multiple times throughout the year for a week-long training session with our leaders.
  • Above all, your legacy is for all of these young people to be poured back into their local churches. They are not just participants, but leaders of their youth groups and disciple-makers in their own communities.
  • We see each young leader who is trained by our ministry as a disciple-maker we are setting loose in their community to win souls for Christ. We encourage them to serve their local church by starting and leading youth meetings, discipling young people, and any way they can find.